STOP the theft of your happiness!

Live with greater joy and freedom!

Recover your heart and change your life forever with...

The Father Wound...and Beyond

12-Week Online Course!

Let's Get Started!
I Need This!


Hello, Friend - my name is Bob Allen Kroll.

I'm a Catholic author, speaker, and motivator. I'm the founder of With All Your Heart Institute, an organization with a mission to help men become the best man, husband, and father they can be. I've been married since 1994, and we have four boys. 

I grew up Catholic in central Wisconsin. I was the oldest of nine children, raised on a dairy farm. And my parents suffered from alcoholism.

Due to the alcohol and other stresses in our home growing up, emotional, verbal, and physical abuse were common, my siblings and I on the receiving end of it, from both mom and dad.

But when it came from dad, it was far worse. 

Eventually, I made my way to college, earned a degree in Business, and met the woman who would soon become my wife. 

Little did I know that I was carrying a ton of baggage from my childhood into my marriage. I was verbally and emotionally abusive to my wife, and neglectful of the love I should have more often given her. 

When the children came, my baggage began spilling out into my fathering. Episodes of rage were way too common. I had an authoritarian mindset, with impatience and high expectations placed upon my boys. 

Even though I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school in grades 1-8, I hardly had a relationship with God. Oh, sure, I went to Mass every Sunday and Holy Day, but my faith had no depth. 

I struggled with finding my purpose in life. I was confused and lost. I felt alone and defeated. "This is just the way it is", I thought, and I went about living a life of mediocrity and aimlessness. 

And then, at the age of 43, a four-day men's retreat changed everything. This "baggage" - the emotional wounds that I had been living with for decades from my childhood - was exposed. I had no idea I had "wounds" and I had no idea the negative impact they were having on my life. 

And I had no idea that the deepest, most profound emotional wounds had come from my father. 

The Wound.

Before I went on this life-changing men's retreat, there was prerequisite reading: a book called Wild At Heart by John Eldredge. About one-third the way through this book, I read about a term I had never heard before: "the father wound." As I read the pages that followed, I realized that these words were reflecting the story of my life. 

A boy, in his journey to becoming a man, needs the love and affirmation that can only come from a father, or a father-figure. Every boy has a burning question that can only be answered by a father: Am I smart? Am I strong? Am I brave? I have what it takes to be man? 

The cry from every boy's heart is for someone with authority to bestow masculinity on him. That bestowment must come from a man and should come from a father.

Most of the time, the boy never gets an answer. 

Instead, his hidden power, his hidden danger, is often beaten down with abuse. Words and hands from the masculine authority figure smack the emerging manhood out of the boy. 

At other times, the father figure just ignores this desire for affirmation through his silence. He may be present, but words of encouragement, displays of affection, and the giving of his time are non-existent. The silence is deafening.

In either case, whether abuse or neglect, the message is clear and powerful: you don't have what it takes to be a man. The proclamation is declared valid by the boy's heart. Why? Because the masculine side of his universe - his father - said so.

My Story is Your Story.

Does any of this resonate with you? Do you feel that there something in your soul is fragmented? That the boy in you has been beaten down or ignored? That your masculinity has been tamed to fit the faulty social narrative? Is any part of your heart in hiding because you received the message that "there is something wrong with me?"

Are you willing to admit that you may have been deeply wounded by your father?

Did you have a father that emotionally, verbally, physically, or sexually abused you? Did you have a father that neglected you, rarely showing signs of affection, affirmation, or love? Did he slowly wear your heart down with subtle assaults over time, or was there an episode so traumatic that it was like a shotgun blast to your chest?

Was he not there when you needed him most as an adventurous boy because of sickness, divorce, or death?

What about your life now? Do you have episodes or explosive anger? Or are you the opposite, feeling passive and indifferent more than you want? Do you struggle to connect with your wife and children? Are there any addictions plaguing your world, distracting you and covering up the pain? Do you feel isolated and lonely, trying to figure out life on your own? Do you desire a burning passion for life, but in reality, live a life of boredom and dreariness? 

Don't you want to live...with all your heart? 

Confronting the Wound.

Friend, it is time to face reality. You HAVE been wounded by your father. We all have. No father is perfect. We are all sons of Adam, the man who gave the world the first father wound through his failure to protect us in the garden. The wounding has continued through the ages. 

Yes, you may have had a dad that was honestly trying to do his best. He has regrets for how he treated you. He often said he was sorry to you. But your wounds are still there. 

Some men may say, 'I don't think I have any wounds from my dad. We had a great relationship.' I wish all men could say this, but it's very rare. But was he perfect? Did he ever speak a hurtful word to your mother or anyone else? You may have received secondary wounding during these times.

Others might think, 'My mom is the one who wounded me!' Yes, that can be true. I have to ask, then: where was your dad during these times? Was he there to defend you? 

And a few of you may be thinking, 'I never knew my dad. I grew up without him, so there was no chance of me being abused or neglected.' Maybe one day, he decided that he does not need his family anymore and walked out the door. But the fact that he was not there is an absence wound. There is a hole in your heart that needed to be filled with the love of a father and wasn't. And it may still be empty

His absence could be from no fault of his own, like sickness or death. Or he may have been imprisoned. Either way, you were deprived of a father's love that you so desperately needed, and that hurt was stamped onto your heart. 

Summoning Your Hidden Strength.

Friend, we have a short time in this world. We cannot escape being wounded, because we've all been hurt, and if we are honest, we have hurt others. But we don't need to continue living within our wounds. There is a way out. There is a way to freedom, a glorious freedom that you cannot experience until you receive healing

During that weekend retreat in 2010, I received a healing from my father wounds that was nothing short of a miracle. I now live with a totally different outlook on life and a freedom that I desire for you! YOU can experience this freedom, too! Freedom from anger or passivity. Freedom from discouragement. Freedom from impatience, pessimism, indecision, aggression. Freedom from your selfishness. Freedom from addictions, fears, and shame. Freedom so that you can live with all your heart!

As men, we all desire to be live a life of be a be a man with great courage and fortitude. We want to live a life of purpose and meaning. We were made for greatness! God has a great plan for our lives, STILL - no matter our age! 

My Personal Experience

In that eye-opening book for me, Wild At Heart, John Eldredge says this:

Every boy, in his journey to become a man, takes an arrow in the center of his heart, in the place of his strength. Because the wound is rarely discussed and even more rarely healed, every man carries a wound. And the wound is nearly always given by his father. 

Friend, I was deeply wounded by my father. The beatings, slappings, hair-pullings, screamings - that was my childhood reality. The day he came running in anger towards me as a 14-year-old boy, plowed his shoulder into me and sent me flying through the air onto the gravel driveway cannot be erased from my memory. The absence of his affection and his time, like playing games, going fishing, watching me play sports, or just talking one-on-one about life was nearly non-existent. My boyhood, my masculinity, my heart, had been beaten down countless number of times during these times of injustice or unconcern.

I resolved not to need anyone, but to rather just rely on myself. And I made a promise to myself: I will never be like my father. But these resolutions just made things worse. 

Romans 2:1 says, " are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things."

had become like my father. Abrasive, bad-tempered, cynical, hypercritical, impatient, judgmental, resentful, unforgiving. My wife, my children, my friends, co-workers - anyone who came within my path was a potential victim because of my unresolved pain. "Wounded people wound other people" was my unknown mission statement. 

I was forced to confront my wounds at that four-day retreat. Fear, doubt, and apprehension were powerfully encircling me as I began that weekend. 

It was the greatest four days of my life.

The Battle to be Fought.

Friend, there is a battle raging for your heart. The devil wants your heart to remain in its crushed and hopeless state. Imagine his sinister laughter as he sees the potential strength of your heart bound in chains, behind a block wall, unable to reach its God-given potential. You were made for more!

The world is in desperate need of your strength. A strength that can only come from a man who has conquered the enemy in the battle for his heart. A strength that a father brings to his family and beyond.

Before time began, the devil rejected the Fatherhood of God, and he now desires the destruction of fatherhood everywhere, including yours. By fighting for your heart, by beating back our common enemy - Satan - you'll be able to beat down the gates of hell that seek the destruction of your life and your family. 

Healing the Wound.

Dr. Bob Schucts, a Catholic therapist, and founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, says in his book, Be Healed: 

Somewhere deep inside each one of us is a burning desire to finally become the person God created us to be...While we long to be made pure and whole, we avoid God's process of purification and healing. But the process must begin now in each of our lives... 

One of my biggest fears is to wake up one morning at the age of 75, look in the mirror, and say, "I woulda, coulda, shoulda - but I didn't." I didn't face the challenge of becoming all that I could be. I didn't want to be "uncomfortable." I didn't have the courage to face my wounds.

Friend, there is a destiny, a purpose, an adventure to which you have been called, to which no one else has been. Your spouse, children, the world - is counting on you.

What will you do?

Let the Battle Begin!

I have been studying the father wound and the healing process for 14 years. I have received training from the John Paul II Healing Center and Elijah House Ministries. I have spoken to thousands of people about the father wound. I am passionate about sharing with men the feeling of FREEDOM of receiving healing through the power of God.

I want to help YOU become the incredible man, husband, and father that dwells within in your heart, waiting to be released! 

The Solution

In order for men to confront, and then to discover ways for healing from their wounds, I created an online course that is based upon my book, "The Father Wound...and Beyond: Confronting and Healing the Greatest Wound of All - for Catholic Men."  

The course is 12 weeks long - only three short months to dramatically change the rest of your life!

The course starts off with reading one chapter from the book a week. The content is easy to read and grabs your attention from the first pages. It is not overly technical or theological. Testimonials from those who have read it include:

  • "I was immediately and deeply affected by this book."
  • "I started reading your book and can't put it down! Amazing!"
  • "I have only read a few books from cover to cover in my life. Well done!"
  • "This book will give you heartfelt encouragement, practical insight, and emotional affirmation every step of the way. I wholeheartedly recommend this book without reservation."

The course also includes 12 videos, each video covering a chapter for that week from the book. We cover one video per week, and each will be less than 15 minutes long.

Each chapter will then offer a download of seven questions related to the chapter, that will guide you into examining the deepest places of your heart. You'll be able to spend the week contemplating these questions, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

And if that isn't enough to give you hope for your future, during each of the 12 weeks, you have the option to join a LIVE 45-minute call that I will facilitate! The call will give you the chance to hear additional insights from me, listen to the challenges and triumphs from other men, ask any questions you may have, and receive support and develop brotherhood bonds with other guys going through the course. If you can't make the live calls, they will be recorded for you to listen at your convenience.  

I Want In Now!

The Gentlest of Healers.

My friend, I cannot personally heal your wounds. That healing comes from Jesus Christ, the gentlest of healers, through the power of the Holy Spirit. But I can show you the path to get you there. And that is what this course is all about. 

Sound scary and intimidating? Good! I can assure you, the devil does NOT want you to move towards healing. He loves keeping us chained within our wounds. So let's go on the attack!

Since we know fear comes from the enemy, we can name it and reject it. The last thing the devil wants you to do is to become a man of great strength within your marriage, your fatherhood, and for the world. The Father of Lies is the menace and origin of all father wounds. Reject his corruption with this prayer:

In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke any spirit of fear interfering with my heart. I command this spirit to go to the foot of the cross for Jesus to deal with as he sees fit. In its place, I ask for the spirits of peace, joy, and courage. In His name, I pray. Amen.

I am excited to begin this life-changing adventure with you!

All of heaven is awaiting your decision. 

I Am Ready for Change!
Let's Get Started!

Hi, I'm Bob...

I'm an author, speaker, and motivator. I founded With All Your Heart Institute to help men discover the battles within their heart, and what can be done to live life to the fullest!

I am author of The Father Wound...and Beyond: Confronting and Healing the Greatest Wound of All, and since 2013, have spoken to thousands about the affect a father has on his children. I am passionate about helping men find and fulfill the mission God has for their lives. I want all men to live with all their heart!

Growing up, my relationship with my dad was at times dreadful. But as I encountered overwhelming healing from the deepest of wounds, I was able to reestablish my relationship with him. He and I speak to each other several times each month. And he has personally blessed my work within With All Your Heart Institute.

I have received training through the John Paul II Healing Center, Elijah House Ministries, and have studied master's level theology at Augustine Institute. I enjoy reading, using power tools, coaching football and baseball, early 80's pop music, and studying the Catholic faith. My wife, Christine, and I have four boys, two-daughters-in-law, and so far, three grandchildren. 

I look forward to meeting you soon!  --Bob Allen Kroll

Let's Do This!


Here are answers to questions you may have.

Q. Who is this course for? 

A. The course is geared for Catholic men - single, married, fathers, grandfathers, even priests. It is not meant for women or kids. Non-Catholic men are welcome to sign up, but understand that the course will reflect a Catholic perspective.

Q. What is included is this course?


  1. A PDF download of the book "The Father Wound...and Beyond: Confronting and Healing the Greatest Wound of All - for Catholic Men.
  2. Twelve videos, one covering each of the book's twelve chapters/topics.
  3. A weekly PDF download of seven questions to ponder related to that week's book topic.
  4. An optional 45-minute live weekly Zoom call available to all course participants. Bob will facilitate the call for further discussion and questions related to that week's topic.

Q. I cannot make the live Zoom call at the scheduled time. Now what? 

A. Of course, when there is a live call, not everyone will be able to make the that time, but they will be recorded for later viewing. AND if you have questions you would like to submit beforehand, Bob will cover those during the call. 

Q. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with the book reading, the video, and the video call. Will it be too much? 

A. Each video is less than 15 minutes. The book will average about 15 pages a week, so about two pages a day. The Zoom call is optional at 45 minutes. So all said and done, about 60-90 minutes a week is all you need for full participation in this life-changing course!

Q. How much is the investment in the course?

A. The course is valued at $499, but because we can spread the cost out over several participants, the price would be $199. But, since it falls around the Lenten season, we are offering a special discount of only $99 per person! 

Q. What if I sign up, but then find this is just not for me?

A. We have a 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! If you find this is just not working out, we refund the money IN FULL, no questions!

Let's Go!
Bible Verse References
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.